This prayer is for my maternal uncle and aunt. It's urgent

by Shruti
(India )

I have a prayer .Pleasee  For my maternal uncle and aunt . Pleasee pray for them Cause demons are causing fights btw them n my aunt slapped my uncle because of a past  Cause he didn't took stand for her so pleasee pray .Pray for my maternal uncle aunt and for their peace n happy family .To become a happy n peaceful family pray for them

N pray that they find christ jesus in their life as soon as possible as their god for eternity .Cause they worship other idols

. So pleasee pray for my maternal uncle " manoj" and my aunt "madhu" okayy this is their name And pray so God will forgive their sins . They didn't ate food  since past 2 days to until today Cause aunty didn't made any food in anger they both are in hunger pleasee pray its urgent . 

Comments for This prayer is for my maternal uncle and aunt. It's urgent

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May 18, 2024

by: Terry

Oh Lord, You wish none shall perish and all shall come to repentance, so grant Manoj and Madhu repentance, so they may escape the snare of the devil, and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Cor 15:1-4) by obeying Acts 2:38 and be born again (John 3:3-5) so they have access to the Kingdom of heaven, in Jesus' name.


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