Body organs healing

by Noel Dsouza
(Chennai tamil nadu india)

Dear Friends, My wife Maryann Dsouza has abandoned me on 02nd Jan. 2023, due to fights between us, and till today she has not called. I fell sick and damaged most of my body organs with excess Alcohol. After one year, I testify that the Lord has started his healing process on my sick body and most of my organs are healed by your prayers, Faith, Confidence in my Lord and Doctors & Medication. Please pray for me for a special intention. My Heart is still very Weak and i cannot carry out my daily normal life easily. Im Getting short of breath, & tired. My heart pumping is 26%, and my BP is low, so may the Lord increase both to the best level. I need a miracle besides the Faith I have in my Lord Jesus and the Almighty God. Please say a special prayer for me, for my heart muscles to become stronger and for the Lord to give me a New Heart. I also ask for your fervent prayes for the Lord to completely heal my Pancrease, stomach organs, lungs, blood vessels, and vocal chords. May i also regain the 20 kg loss of weight. May my Lord make me strong and healthy again. If its his wish may he change my wifes heart and return her back home to me. We need each since she is 64 snd i am 66. I am broken to pieces. Praise the Lord Almighty and Lord Jesus. God bless you.

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Mar 13, 2024
Blessed assurance
by: Anonymous

To Noel and your wife my prayer and hope is for your healing,and reconciliation to the Lord and each other don’t wait for some result but begin to live for Jesus no matter what happens. Nothing can take the place of a true living relationship with Jesus.make sure you OBEY THE GOSPEL
John 3: 3-5=Acts 2::38 that is the only way to start a new beginning in life. Make sure that you find out what those scriptures mean. RECONCILIATION, SALVATION, HEALING AND BLESSING TO YOU AND YOUR WIFE. JESUS LOVES YOU ….. ME TOO

Mar 05, 2024

by: Terry

Oh Lord Jesus, let your will be done in healing Noel and restoring his marriage with Maryann, in the name of Jesus Christ.

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