
by Alisha
(Oklahoma )

Because I know there is power in prayer I have a special prayer request. I have a very special Veteran who is 54. He is suffering from cancer now as a result of his time spent in Afghanistan. He has just had his 3rd round of radiation but it doesnt appear to be working. He has 2 children, a 2 year old grandson and now a set of twins a boy and girl. He is a good man that has devoted himself to serving others but has gone through some major tragedies. I'm just asking for prayers of healing and spiritual uplift for him and his family. It breaks my heart that his grandchildren may never know him personally.

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May 15, 2024

by: Terry

Oh Lord, the Great Rapha, the Lord that heals, the Balm of Gilead, apply Your balm and heal this veteran of cancer, and bless him and his family, bless them indeed and enlarge their coast, and Your hand be with them, keeping them from evil, that it does not grieve them.

Praying all of this in the name of Jesus Christ.


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