Salvation prayer request

by Albin
(U. P., India)

I'm addicted to sexual sins,getting angry , pride, unbelief, hypocrisy, laziness, lack of sincereity towards God, and lack of repentance ,etc., that I've been committing for long time. I'm bound in chains of darkness and addicted to sins. Apart from this, the enemy also tries to attack my hope and faith in God. He even tries and even success in making me angry against God or thinking I'll of him. I need deliverence and salvation.

Please pray to  Lord Jesus, for my SALVATION. Please pray to him to let me truly surrender All of myself to him ONLY completely and forever and To let me trust in him alone and To Save me, for the Lord JESUS to do HIS will completely upon me ,and to baptize and anoint me with the HOLY SPIRIT and let me have eternal life. And also for me to have a strong faith and for God to use me for his purposes. Please pray to HIM to completely cleanse me of all my pride and self righteousness and all my sins and hidden Sins. And that I may be rapture ready.

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May 16, 2024
by: Anonymous

Dear Lord, please heal my brain quadruple. Lord, please make my mother stop forcing psychiatric medicine on me. Lord I really need forgiveness from my mother, him and her, them, and my nemeses. Lord Jesus please take my death on the cross for me. I really need easy death Lord. In Jesus name. Amen

Sep 04, 2023
experience jesus love and healing
by: jamil

please pray Christ firmly guides me on the road of healing and salvation. please pray he sends me a mighty powerful angels of healing, grace, and mercy. Please pray Christ gives me the strength, faith, and wisdom to follow his example. Please pray Jesus maximizes my love for him and gives me hope which will enable me to give hope and healing to others

Jul 26, 2023
by: Sally Gutierrez

Please pray husband Felix salvation marriage deliverance from alcohol FATHER GOD restore my marriage remove his rudeness we need a miracle thank you

Apr 07, 2023
by: Shannon

Ask for prayers that my daughter myself and my family repent. I ask for prayers for our salvation. I ask for prayer that we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our lives. That God give us the wisdom to make godly choices in our lives. That God will show us mercy and use our trials as a testimonial to His love mercy grace and power. Thank you and God bless you.

Mar 31, 2023
Daughter's life
by: Anonymous

Please pray for my daughter Stephannie ask forgiveness for her sinful life style and to change her ways. Please pray God will show her favor in her life using her trials as a testimonial to His love mercy grace and power. Please pray she will not be tempted of this world worshipping money and material things. Please pray for her salvation.

May 28, 2022
For Joel
by: Terri

For Joel to get saved, to get free from sexual sin, depression, anxiety and father wounds. For him to feel God's presence, to have his own personal encounter with God the father.

Apr 06, 2020
Prayer for Jazmine
by: Terry

Oh Lord, Jazmine sees the need for repentance so help her fully turn to You, making a decision to forsake her sinful ways the rest of her life. Then Lord, guide her to following the remainder of the Gospel message in Acts 2:38. That she would submit to being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of her sins and she would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives her the utterance.

God in heaven, I pray all of this in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Apr 06, 2020
Prayer for Anonymous
by: Terry

Oh Lord, Hear my cry today for this anonymous person. Help this person understand that salvation is totally dependent on repentance, and this means fully turning to you fulltime and it is a decision that he/she has to make without willfully turning back to leading and living a sinful life. Then help this person submit to baptism (immersion only) in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of his/her sins. Finally, Lord, help him/her seek you fervently in prayer, praise, and worship resulting in You filling him/her with the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues. I pray all of this for this person in the precious name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Apr 05, 2020
by: Anonymous

Anger, pride, unbelief, hypocrisy, laziness, lack of sincereity towards God, and lack of repentance are on my heart, that I've been committing for years. I'm bound in chains of darkness and blind and dumb to God's truths. The enemy attacks my hope and faith in God. I beg and get angry because I believe God doesn’t love or hear me. I need deliverence and salvation.

Please pray to Lord Jesus, for my SALVATION. Please pray to him to let me truly surrender All of myself to him ONLY completely and forever and To let me trust in him alone and to Save me, for the Lord JESUS to do HIS will completely upon me, and to baptize and anoint me with the HOLY SPIRIT and let me have eternal life. And also for me to have a strong faith and for God to use me for his purposes. Please pray to HIM to completely cleanse me of all my pride and self-righteousness and all my sins and hidden Sins. And that I may be rapture ready.

Apr 05, 2020
by: Jazmine

Please pray that the Lord Jesus Christ helps me to repent, have faith and believe the gospel. My pride, my sin, rebellion, and foolish beliefs have caused me to fall and I didn’t see it coming. The faith I used to have has faded and I question God about everything. The enemy has taken over my mind and I have no strength or power over it. Please pray God has mercy in my soul and forgives me and helps me to believe in him truly and wholeheartedly. And serve the only Lord Jesus. I need help badly. I need Jesus!

Sep 18, 2018
Prayer for Albin
by: Terry

Thank you for making your prayer request known so that I and thousands of others who visit Loving Gospel can pray for you.
O Lord Jesus, we love, praise and worship you today. I believe you have heard Albin's heartfelt cry so I pray, in Jesus' name that you deliver Albin from evil, forgive him of his sins and, grant him repentance and knowledge of the truth so that he may escape from the snare of the devil. Lord, I pray that You break every chain that ties him to demonic spirits.
I also pray that he obeys the rest of the Gospel, being baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and that you Lord Jesus fill him with the gift of the Holy Ghost, speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.
I thank you mighty God, saving God, healing God for answering this prayer, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Terry Bourbonnie

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